I have not been credited points for my shipment. Why?

This may be due to a number of reasons:

  1. Your shipment has not been delivered yet. Track your shipment here.
  2. Your shipment has not been checked in. This means we've received your shipment but haven't checked it in. Usually this is completed within a few days of receipt. During busy periods this may take up to two weeks.
  3. Your shipment did not reach the minimum required weight.

If you would like to claim for a missing shipment, you have 90 days to do so from the date the parcel was picked up by UPS / dropped off at a UPS point / dropped off at an InPost locker. Missing shipment claims made after 90 days will not be honoured.

Please also note that for the KP SnacksĀ® Nuts, Popcorn, Crisps and Pretzels Packet Recycling Programme - due to the nature and popularity of this programme, it may take up to 30 working days for points to be credited to your account. 

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